Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Truth Behind The Nearby Future

So The Nearby Future isn't all black-and-white. We're not some kind of reality show. Just because I aspire for dictator of the world does NOT mean that:
  1. I secretly plan Rika's demise every time she rejects one of my articles
  2. I am so lowly and uncreative that I chose to blow up the world every time my take over plan fails
  3. I am using this website for the purpose of recruiting people to back me up during world domination.
So that's the truth. I honestly own no tanks and have no nuclear missiles in my backyard, for all those people who accuse me of having unoriginal plans. No, instead I have state-of-the art satellite- I mean, I have none of the above.

A lot of the comments we receive on The Nearby Future are from people who live under a rock. One really cracked me up: "Is everyone on the staff?"

*Laughs hysterically* of COURSE not everyone is on the staff! We talk about 'the staff' as if it's a fan club. (Which it isn't, it's about as interesting as owning a pet rock) if EVERYONE was in the staff, then what would happen? We wouldn't call it "the staff" we'd call it "The people of the world"!

-Calister F. Wells

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