Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Truth Behind The Nearby Future

So The Nearby Future isn't all black-and-white. We're not some kind of reality show. Just because I aspire for dictator of the world does NOT mean that:
  1. I secretly plan Rika's demise every time she rejects one of my articles
  2. I am so lowly and uncreative that I chose to blow up the world every time my take over plan fails
  3. I am using this website for the purpose of recruiting people to back me up during world domination.
So that's the truth. I honestly own no tanks and have no nuclear missiles in my backyard, for all those people who accuse me of having unoriginal plans. No, instead I have state-of-the art satellite- I mean, I have none of the above.

A lot of the comments we receive on The Nearby Future are from people who live under a rock. One really cracked me up: "Is everyone on the staff?"

*Laughs hysterically* of COURSE not everyone is on the staff! We talk about 'the staff' as if it's a fan club. (Which it isn't, it's about as interesting as owning a pet rock) if EVERYONE was in the staff, then what would happen? We wouldn't call it "the staff" we'd call it "The people of the world"!

-Calister F. Wells

Thursday, March 20, 2008

May the Force Be With You

So yesterday I felt like watching TV- which, is usually not one of my favorite things to do- and I saw this interview with George Lucas, and he talked about the phenomenon that made him famous (what else is there for him to talk about?).

It was interesting how his intentions with Star Wars was to give the world a view on religion different, comparing all of the religions. He said once that we were all seeing a "different part of the elephant" and that all religions were true.

There's more to writers than even their writing portrays!

-Calister F. Wells

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Celebrities: Everyone Agree with me, They're Useless!

What good do celebrities do? Pfft, nothing. They strut around the red carpets and are bad influences. Sure there are some good looking people, but I could care less. For once I agree with Rika.

Who wants to watch a bunch of perfect Barbie Dolls run around and get drunk? That's not entertainment, that's craziness.

Well Rika felt that this was a big enough issue to post, so she wrote an article on The Nearby Future on it. It comes out tomorrow I think, check it out when you get the chance.

-Calister F. Wells

Friday, March 7, 2008

Marketers Adapt to New Challenges

You walk past the blaring TV- but the commercials stop you. You listen for no particular reason, and then you move on to go back to doing what you were going to be doing. Why did you stop? What was so intriguing about that commercial?

Simple: it's brainwashing. The catchy slogans, odd characters or costumes, and familiar jingles are all there to pique our interest and get us to stop and watch the commercial.

Tayla, of course, said this was definitely not the case. "Commercials are just doing their job! Catching people's attention. And now with Tivo and DVR we can just fast forward through commercials, so no one watches commercials anymore."

But no one has perfect reaction time, and often times people catch a commercial before their show begins.

These marketing people are clever...